do i really need this wish to come true?
is it more important than what the others are wishing for?
Then why do i want God to waste his time pertaining to my wishes and needs when there are people in a worse situation than mine?
do i want him to waste time?
do i want my wish to come true?
do i want him to be answering my wish, when he could have saved a child's life, by listening to his ma's wish?
so what do i wish for..??
"listen mister... you up there..yeah you! You've got one weird sense of humor! and dnt smile that smile.. i dnt appreciate being made to think that what i want to wish for is not worthy, when there are more selfish people on this planet.. anyway, you always do this to me.. what a sucker i am. So, like you know, im changing my wish...i don't want anything. Just keep all my family and loved one safe. i'll be ok without what i wanted to wish for. a lil sad, upset, whatever... but what's a lil sadness when compared to a life? You just take care of the important stuff... keep everyone i love safe.. and i'll take care of all this small small stuff."
Am I going crazy???
wat u trying to say??
this one's simply gr8, Preets!
i would call this a
perfect, high thinking & simple living!
well i know i have'nt done on my blog off late, been busy travelling and just hoping in to have a stress break, fun on the run!
anyways thanks for visiting and reminding me! will get back to track soon! got loads!
hakuna matataa...
and you, keep going!
whats happening?!
i don't like this post.
i don't like it.
you're trying to make us feel bad for wanting something, which is like a natural instinctive feeling!
Simply Fabulous.
Economically Speaking: It's always profitable to everyone when you making a wish (wish for a shoe, you make the salesman feel happy, you feed him, you feed his maid, you feed the maid's family in turn the grocery store man.. -goes on)
Psychologically Speaking: It's perfectly sane to wish, but what you wish for detains or retains your character.
Historically Speaking: Its a wish that has turn many mountains to dust and dust to monuments.
Socially Speaking: Wish what you'd wish for in such ways that in no condition whatsoever does not or will not interfere with the wish of another wisher or the wishee's wisher (stupid useless bunch of laws)
Mathematically Speaking: A Wish is directly propotional to one's emotional wants but reduced several times by the factor reality.
Spiritually Speaking: Wish for the God to be with you, anything else is mere Maya.
and when I am Speaking: Incidentally speaking what you have just thought is and will be a path for realisation for any given social concern. A wish most of us require - Our politians, our government service personnel, our very own money minded flu heads and the rest in the world. Bless you for your thought.
PS: Again, Excellent and touching.
Hey, I've added to the 51-60 points :P
Check em
@brock : thank you very much. that was very thoughtful of you. i will check it out at the earliest. And read the post when u find some time.
@felix: thank you very much for that comment. you made my day.
@princess: your highness, i am not trying to make you feel bad for wanting. im jst telling you that sometimes i jst think to myself... that if each of us stoppedd wishing for useless stuff and took it up upon ourselves to fulfill such wishes, the really really worth wishing for wishes wud come true, and the world wud be a better place.
@dpak: thank u very much deepak...
thanx for visiting everyone!
eh? point is ur not crazy ur just like me:)
Preetika, the feeling in you that you feel content and better off than many many other people is in itself a blessing - isn't it?
got it in one!!
thanx for visiting ravi.
Humanely Speaking : Who's Crazy?
You who wrote?
Or me who read it?
I guess it's not terrible to be selfish once in a while, especially if you're asking for something that you're not too sure will be granted. And if it's god, well, it's got time and energy for all of us.
aah the great man grants me a visit!!
sykora ur asking me the question i asked u !!
long time dhruva!!
thanx for going through this...!!