I cooked dinner the other day!! I made chinese. It's the best comfort food in the world. And I made lemon cookies for dessert. They were awesome, if I may say so myself.
Yes, everyone is still very much alive. No, no one had to be rushed to the emergency. And no, I am not making all this up. No, there is no need to wait and watch. All members of the family have been under strict observation for the last three days, which is when they ate my preperations. There have been no signs of illness whatsoever.
So you see... Don't stop believing in miracles. Mark that up as lesson of the day.
The cookies were delicious. I made one batch real crisp, dada likes it that way, and I made the other batch in such a way that they were still a little soft on the inside. They melt, the minute they touch your mouth. And the taste of lemon was so prominent!! Heaven.
I've been working on a few lanterns for my room lately. Nothing great, just paper and paint and bulbs. I'll put up a pic when they're done. My room is turning out to have a little gypsy character... And I just love that.
If you lose that mystery, that tiny bit in you that believes in magic, then my dear friend, you need to get yourself a life. And NOW is as good a time as it gets... specially when your starting to believe in miracles already :)
And before the gloom that shadows the writer of this post falls over the reader of this post, I'm going to stop. If you've had a bad day, deal the details out here and lets see how Captain Cookie can help save your day. And that's that from this tiny town of Blogsoville.
... Oh and help me out here... Think of words with the letter 'A' that describe me. Thankus.
-not having internet at home and limping to school(i have a torn ligament in my foot now!!!) just to use internet,
-sitting in a hospital for 2 hours with a friend who banged his head and had to get 6 stiches on his forehead,
-getting a cut on my forefinger from a key in my pocket,
-staying home alone for the last 1 week (and for 2 more weeks)
-missing home terribly
.......... the list goes on and on
so, do i get a cookie for all of that..... i love lemon cookies!!!!
and yeah my name starts wth an 'A"
Lol.. nice1... ok problems eh?
i havnt had enuff sleep in the past few days coz of my gaming.. i get terrible head aches.. i beel like killing myself.. solve this Dr. Dre :P
A for Apple
B for Banana
C for Cat
D for Dog.. Oops straying frm topic :P
Words to describe u starting with "A"?
A - Anomaly, Abnormal, Accidental, ...
Lol kidding.. dont know wat to say :P
Aah can't think of more :)
niiice.. mayb ur food has a dormant poisonous effect.. dont count ur chickens too soon .. :D.. naah musta been good im sure.. hmm .. lets see..
autocrat? appreciable? arivaderci!! :D
another method of expression eh? the cooking i mean...nice
pass me the recipe sometime, i'll try making it crisp the way no one likes it :D
of course the royalties will go to you, if there are any that is.
words with A? amorphous (in a very philosophical sense)
ur cookies were goooodd....