I opened the Stanford website- only to find out that they do NOT look for work experience as a prerequisite for admissions to the MBA course. So, I freaked out. I SHOULD have known about this. I shouldave known this so that I could have written my GMAT and TOFEL exams and applied this year.
I still can, but I don't like how rushed things will become if I do decide to do so. So, I'm not. If things don't work out here and now, then we'll make Stanford happy. But just in case there's smarter people who've already written the required exams- Harvard, Stanford & Michigan- take freshers.
On other news- let us all stand up and clap hands to wish Navneet a very happy budday. May he always have money to buy hair dye, the latest in spectacles and hearing aid and of course, dentures. Wishing you all things that are good.
On other other news, because I spent the evening I'd planned to spend studying, freaking out instead- my schedules gone for a toss. So, I'm going to stop bugging you and go and try and do something about it.
The absolutely brilliant news is- Monday is over!!
Monday being over is always a source of joy. Yippee it's tuesday.
like i tell everyone...always go to the source to get the information...talk to the people directly involved.
our world as we know, is shrinking and yet the commmunication divide is ever-increasing and its a nuisance
anyhoo....thankies for the wishes! hope you had a good day