It's not only the newspapers. Today's movies, songs, etc. are the teachers in the "wear no clothes" school. Why is it so necessary to bare skin for a movie or a song to be a hit? How does Paris Hilton stripping make the movie House of Wax (or any other) any more popular? Sure, you could always say, " SG you really are dense! Making her walk around in red lingerie forms the scary aspect of the movie…!!!"
And why point fingers at only Hollywood? We ourselves are not only following them, we're on our way to attaining the title of world-leaders in this field ... Most teenagers, children of what they call "generation next", will snap back at you and while looking down their noses explain that it's the most "in" thing to wear the least possible amount of clothing. And of course we're old-fashioned and hence won't understand such things. How does showing more skin on TV or in a pub, than you even see in your own bathroom, make you more popular? And it's not for the gals only…there are enough men parading around in all sorts of things that qualify as "clothing" on TV and on the streets.
I don't see what's wrong in wearing "sexy" stuff… but when the "sexy" stuff comes not only close to, but is synonymous with "nudity" a problem arises. It's not a question of being comfortable with baring yourself to the world it's a question of ethics. Ms.Sharawat says, "Why should I hide my body when I've worked so hard on making it what it is today?" Why indeed?
The human body is not something to be ashamed of, I agree. But, why is there a need to prove to the world that you have an excellent body? Most studies suggest, that when the upper strata of the human brain is empty, people tend to use such means to draw attention and make a standing for themselves in society. They're called airheads, tarts, etc... And what a standing, eh?!!
With the fear of sounding like your grandmother… I'd say that our old Indian traditions win this battle by a mile and a half. I'm not asking you to cover every centimeter of your skin, like done in the olden times, but why go to the other extreme instead?
Like everything else on this planet, a need for balance is required with respect to this particular issue too.
...OR {bulb just lit} are we trying to preserve the culture of our ancestors and hence resorting to leaves and scraps of clothing??
oi... "okie"????
hmm... righto...
u guys are bugging me..
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I cudnt agree more with you! It is the inner beauty, nature gifted and nurtured by one which charms and attracts us to others. Unlike physical attributes which wax and wane with age, these get further polished with age and make one radiant and glowing.
I agree. It makes no sense to me that women should complain that men don't look deeper than skin when they don't give them reason to look farther.
On men or women, I think clothing is a symbol of respect for self and others. Take it all off, and you display a lack of it for both parties.
there is a thin line between beauty of the body and vulgarity.
The line is defined in one of two or both places. In the mind of the perceiver and in the mind of the "body barer". If the perceiver views the body with loveless lust rather than appreciation of beauty, vulgarity surfaces. If the "body barer" bares the body with a sense of insecurity (synonymous with a desperate need to be noticed, a la Sherawat), beauty turns to vulgarity.
Unfortunately, today there is more vulgarity than beauty, in nudism.
Sorry for the long silence...
Wha' nice post.
Hmm... are we talking about nudity or just being conservative clothing?
Actually, thinking again.
Why dont everyone conserve the trees and plants and stuff, and go naked on the roads...
We could experiment... But who's gonna be the first? huh? huh? ^^
PS: sorry, just in a frisky and happy mood :P
no thankx im happy with my good ol t-shirt and shorts stereotype!!!
thanx for visiting people..
I agree with all of you... and am greatful i dnt sound like ur grandma :P
@fera & karna: wht's up? you've been gone a lonnng loong time, and we're all waiting for UR next post.. and i wish u loads of more joy!
mmm...."passingby" put it nicely.
okie...nice.....makes LOTTA sense thinkin
Highlight of my day:
dhruva said 5 words together!!!!
Hee hee, Hiya preetika.. was kina held up, work was tough and stuff.
But kina relaxed now.
I am ready to post the next bit... as soon as my comp is ready Q.Q, It wont work Q.Q
Ok Ok so all agree clothes on! So shall it be. But there will be a moment when clothes dont define a person its the person as it is... i agree clothes kinda protect you. But at a higher level of concience, it dont matter if you are naked or not... its what is in your mind that makes you embarrased.
hmmm.. u do have a point:P PK AUNTY
Grateful is spelt grateful, not greatful.
Kogi its a typing error.. comment on the bloddy post!
Koze is right. It's spelt grateful and not greatful & I'm grateful for the fact that it's not spelt as greatful but greatly spelt as greatful.
eh u guys...
... i said na TYPING ERROR.... and dhruva u were suppose to comment on the recent post, not this one.,!!!
just to be on the record...i love well dressed women :D