My point is, that either because of you or because of someone you are related to you (which again means because of you), at some point or the other, all of us find ourselves, to put it eloquently, screwed. Majorly screwed, if one might have it.
At times, it isn't even because your a bad person or have done something to deserve bad... at some times your just a victim. Like all this stuff that's been happening in rapid succession in the past few months across the seven seas. Life is full of bones being found, serial murders, serial rapes, terrorist bombings or one government employee trying to "screw" the other one. Absolutely screwed up lives. Hell I feel insecure just reading about such stuff. I don't know how or if I'd ever have to handle such a situation, I'd ever even be able to. I hope none of the people I love and care about never have to, at the least. Selfish, one might call it.
Chi... so where was I ? Oh yeah... So, we all screw up once in a while. The point is, are we strong enough to get our lives back onto track again? Are we ready to deal with whatever went wrong, accept mistakes, make up for them, and start afresh?
Firstly, it's not everyone whose given the chance to clean up the slates. If it's just a boy friend whose dumped you that's making you want to kill yourself or drink too much (which is killing yourself anyway), you have a chance. A good and easy one. You might have just gotten out of jail, you have a chance too, but it's a tough one. You might have just been letting your grades slip - you have a chance, a good and very easy one. It's all a matter of seeing what you have, and doing something with it. Something good with it.
Secondly, not everyone has the right support system. I screwed up on a pretty small scale. The only one whose still got scars to show, is me. But at least I had the guts to face whatever it was, and clean up my life after that. There's a lot of people who don't. They just go from one damning relationship to another, because like a teacher of mine used to say they have no vertebral column.
Thirdly, not everyone has the guts or the urge to clean up the slates. Some people are happy to just give in, and rot away. Others, have oppurtunities, the right friends, they just don't have the balls. Others still, are deeper in shit than they can dig themselves out of - they still manage to do a good deed in the end.
It's pretty simple - unscrewing ones life.
1) You rid yourself of any type of alcohlic crap.
2) You rid yourself of all the people who don't believe in you. Of all the people you've just been taking crap from. Which also means surrounding yourself with people who really do care for you.
3) It also means having to trust them with your life.
4) You start begging, and kissing the feet of the people you've hurt, indirectly and directly, all the people you "owe", and make it up to them.
5) What is wrong, is wrong. It's not right under any circumstances. Not even if your drunk enough to walk yourself to the Buckingham palace, and dance in front of the gaurds, naked.
6) It's a lot of hard work, and very tiring and extremely hard on the ego. But only a man can do, what a mans got to do.
It's pretty sad to see lives go wasted. It's also pretty sad to end up questioning the human race, with questions ( yeah that's me. articulation at it's best) like why people do "bad" stuff anyway? Why others let it get done to themselves? Why some others just sit and let it all happen just for the money? Why still others do something about it, and get screwed anyway. Question, that don't have answers. Or some pretty damning answers, anyway.
All you can do is have faith, say a lil prayer and hope that someone somewhere is listening, and get on with the day!
An absolute moo point, if I've ever seen one. Hope you guys have a lovely day at work, I'm just going to laze around with a book *evil grin*
All my love and prayers,
Yours forever sthupitly.
Ahh.For a change,am first at something ;)
WEll,yes,everyone does screw up...But even if I doubt you'll agree,I have to believe everyone who's still here is here only because in some way or another,they've learnt to deal with their screw ups...It is simply impossible to define a wasted life,simply because what you may call a 'waste' may be fun for others.Some people actually do enjoy consuming massive quantities of icecream and wallowing in self pity ;)
All questions have answers.That is the most admirable thing about questions :)...What one does with one's life is one's own perogative...we're just here to be selfish.
And oh,about that book ;) You curl up with a good book,I get paid for curling up with a good book.Cheerz ;) - Abhishek
:) Just what I needed, a personal pep talk from you.
Of course the first thing I've got to say is, I agree. Accepting your portion of the blame is tough. And kicking the people who screwed you over, out of your life is even tougher. And the toughest part is finding new people who will not screw you over all over again. The support system, as you call em.
Here's to whoever needs the pep and the push to unscrew their lives, like moi. :)
Well, there's a first. Congrats!
Yes, people learn from all this stuff, I don't and probably can't not agree with that. Also, while I love mopping around sometimes and doing stuff just 'cuz it's lazy or spoils me, I think excessive anything would be a good place to start, if your thinking of cleaning up your life.
And your right... what you decide, you decide. I can't make the decisions for you. Even if I did, it wouldn't work out. Unless you do something for yourself, it doesn't work. That selfishness you were talking about...
Lol. I don't get paid. No matter what I read or how much I read, but I read anyway.
Thanks for dropping by,
Yours forever sthupitly.
i'm basically here to say that i still visit this blog hahaa.. and yea like the dude abhishek said.. one's life is one's perogative. so whatever you do to your life is your business as long as you don't endanger others.. =D i enjoy excessive amounts of alcohol:P so can't unscrew my life that way
@ m : Hmmm... it's difficult to define "as long as you don't hurt someone", 'cuz it's difficult to draw lines.
Lol, you do? Sorry dude, but there really aint nothing that's going to convince me otherwise about alcohol.
And at the end of this thing, I really hope, you will still visit this blog.
@ triya : It's definitely a cosmic thing.
And yeah, kicking people out is very tough. At some point, we get used to this game the other person is playing with us. We know of it, it's hurting us, yet we let them do it.
Finding new people, often requires you to take a chance on yourself, again. Pretty daunting stuff.
But if you can't then I don't know who can,
All my love,
whatever be the reasons....i think everybody's life is screwed up at some point of time or the other.... how fast or how easily u get out of it is what makes you the person you will be for the rest of your life...
the main problem with other people screwing up your life is that sometimes u totally lose trust/faith (whatever u wanna call it) in them and then its really hard to find somebody u can trust again!!
So what if it takes time? Don't you think you deserve that much?
Are you a man or a mouse? :)
Long time no see.. Hope alls well.
All my love,
doing stuff just 'cuz it's lazy or spoils me
>> lol. doing stuff is not = lazy :D
and oh,I also wanted to say....Sometimes,the people find you too.
Sitting in your pj's with choco chip ice cream and watching reruns or old movies? That's called work?
Actually, when it comes to you, I'm not surprised :P
And Sometimes,the people find you too, huh?!!
Yours forever sthupitly.
What is a moo-point? Is that something you got from Friends? I remember Joey saying it at some point, but what relevance does it have here?
yes, it's something Joey says. A moo point is a point made by a cow, and hence has almost no meaning. I've been blabbering, hence the relevance.
Thanks for dropping by,
Yours forever sthupitly.
oh,the sometimes they find you bit refers to the part about finding friends :D
Absolutely. Sometimes they find you.
Yours forever sthupitly.