I cannot believe, people actually believe in all this, and actually follow such stuff. Why do I think this way? lemme see...
Ok, take the Backstreet Boys. When I was 10-11 years old, I used to love their music. They were the most popular band at one time... Say, at that time suppose I had made a plan to listen to their music everyday till I was 20 years old... If I had done such a thing.. then there were two situations that were possible : If I was a person who thought a plan was planned to be followed, then, even today I'd be listening to "Backstreet Boys" and whatever. On the other hand, if I was to be a person who believed that plans were just planned for the sake of it.. then I wouldn't be here writing this, and you wouldn't be here reading this.
Now, if I was to be the person who believed a plan is planned to be followed there are two situations that can arise: Either I'm the only thing on earth that doesn't evolve or I can evolve and change everyday, every minute, the way people are meant to change. Again 2 situations evolve:
If I were to be the first person, then no problem-o, I'll be happy and satisfied till the day I die listening to "Backstreet's back... allright", let alone till 20 only. On the other hand, if I were to be a human being, then with every day, my taste in music would change. And say, about an year later, if I liked Westlife better, I'd still have to listen to Backstreet Boys, because that was the plan.
This would lead to two things : Either I could show a little smartness and change the plan, or I could be dumb and follow it to the last letter. From here, there are again 2 situations that could arise: If I was to follow the first course of action, I'll be happy singing Westlife songs when I wanted to sing Westlife songs... but then, that would mean I was not following the plan. And if I were to stick to the plan and keep singing Backstreet's Back till I were to turn 20, I'd be unhappy and bored.
This could lead to two things: If according to the larger plan(the plan whose planner is God) I was to die when I was 13, I'd die listening to Backstreet and not Westlife.. hence, I'd die unhappy. On the other hand, if I followed the first course of action, I'd die happy...
If you find yourself in the second situation, then I'm contradicting my assumption that I think plans are planned to be followed, which proves that I believe plans are palnned to not be followed. But then again, it means that I shouldn't be writing this at all and you wouldn't be getting ready to pull your hair..... So, this is all a load of crap.
Plans are meant to be followed. But when it comes to life, no amount of planning can make you happy or satisfied. It's like a person making a speech. Those who plan each statement and each paragraph can never be good speakers. A speaker has to gauge the audience reaction and accordingly make his next statement effective enough to hold them captive. If the speaker were to just go on and on and on without realising that his audience was either snoring or yawning, his purpose wouldn' t be served.
It's the same way with you and your life. You change everyday, and so do I. So, we have to keep changing our way of doing things, the things that we are doing itself, according to the way our thinking changes.
Don't waste your life in planning what you want to do. A rough sketch showing you what you want to achieve that day, is all you need to help make you happy. Because a rough sketch can be edited while a plan plan, cannot.
Disclaimer: The author has assumed that she is a human being with a mind. So, please people, do not think your statements stating otherwise hold no value.