1. My alarm took a holiday today. I rose not to the shining sun, but to a bada-bong and a bada-bing on my head. In simpler words, I fell off the bloddy bed in the morning.
2. I got up late.
3. I had to reach college early. ( the 2nd and 3rd usually come together... something to do with fate!!)
4. I flunked my math paper.
5. A dog wanted to eat my clothes for breakfast.
6. The bathroom cleaner(male) seems to have taken a liking to me. (that seriously freaked me out!!)
7. I forgot to take my wallet with me. So, I had no cash on me.
8. The cafeteria lunch sucked. I had to beg and borrow to buy it!!
9. None of my physics experiments resulted in desired results. (Yay!! that's the first thing that's happened correctly in the day!).. and now i've forgotten english.
10. I lost my bus pass. And remember I had no cash.
11. While I wait at the bus stop and search my bag (read:dump) for my pass, 3 empty busses go past. On a normal day, during that particular hour, only ONE bus is suppose to cross that area.
12. Once I find my pass, and see a bus coming my way, I place my foot into cow-dung.
13. When its time to change buses, the 2nd bus conductor decides my bus pass in not valid. Remember I do not know Tamil, the language they speak... I mean, I know all the bad words, but those aren't exactly what I'd want to call him, specially when I want him to allow me to travel. You might want to recollect that I had no cash on me.
14. Also, I want to add... the reason for no cash in MY BAG, is because I gave all the change (around 20 bucks) to beggars and hungry children.. during the week.
.......... and the day ain't over as yet!!! Hahahha!! no such luck. I have 4 records to complete. Physics experiment values to manipulate and finalise, 3 engineering drawing charts to complete... and oh yeah?? A chemistry paper tomorrow!!
hahahahahhahahahahahahhaha!!!! hehehehhe!! hahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhahahahhah!!!
Hope your day was better than mine.