In fact, I think I've come to realize, that that is when a person is actually most hurt/demoralized/hopeless. No, I'm not talking about anything major- as in, not in relation to my personal life, I'm pointing at, or trying to considering I'm having to point out what I was trying to point at- is this whole issue about "kissing" which is going on.
Useless people. Wasting national time, judicial time and people s time. And driving me to the point, where I've decided to ditch TV channels too. I mean seriously, where s the fire! Instead of concentrating on the issue, the only issue, we're debating whether Gere has to be fined or taken into custody because he was trying to spread AIDS awareness. Is this how jobless the people of the government are?
So what if he kissed her! It wasn't even on the mouth. And it wasn't like he was testing the lastes French moves or something. People do it all the time. And if she has no objection to being pecked on the cheek, why the hell should you have any?
The media is made of bull shit. I'd rather not know what was happening in the world, than be forced to endure such utter nonsense. And best part is- it's not ONE debate, it's a series of them! If they had responsibility of any kind, they'd bleddy well refuse to waste time on nonsene like this, and deal with showing some real stuff. For a change.
Phew. Run out of steam. Still have two more papers to go before I can live again! We should start a boycott movement against the media. Now there's and idea.
All my love.
It's bleddy shameful. We'll be the joke people laugh about when they're having high tea and scones.