Black nail polish is a very mind boggling creation. Not the nail polish part, the black part. On a hand like mine- artistic, long fingers, and naturally shaped nails (sounding poetic wasn't the intention) from one angle it looks like a teenager s hand. Punk, careless, dare devil type. Sure, technically I am one, but then again I'm not one. From another it looks, elegant, if I may. Funny stuff.
Si` I got a new guitar! It's a C70 Yamaha, and the sexiest thing after the thing that is most sexy. So, I'm getting the much needed practise, and I can play Old McDonald and Jingle Bells. Not head banging stuff, but I'll get there. Hopefully.
My bestest friend on the whole planet, and the sweetest person after me just got some bad news. News that has a chance of getting real stinky, that is. It hasn't sunk in, and I hope it never has to. Dish, I'm praying. Have faith.
Oh and by the by,
BS: Really, you should pay up the fellow who writes on people are getting suspicious.
Ira: Hope you're having a lovely trip, and drop by soon.
Triya, Ay, Koze: If you guys are still bisiting, please do post and/or make your presence felt.
M: Please oh please, get a template that let s people comment. Pah.
Nav: Aren't you previously engaged? (Forgive the English, I've been reading Wodehouse)
All my love.