I promised myself, that the day I bought my macbook, I'd start writing again. Today, is that day. If I were a different person, I'd be ending that last sentencewith exclamation marks, but understated and well moderated individual that I am, I delivered that news with a polite smile and twinkling eyes :)
I have wanted to write for a while now, but I kept away from it because I was scared of the words that would eventually tumble out. Inside, I am so angry and so deeply hurt, there are days when I just want to scream. I worried about who will read this, and what they'll think - but the words that have been left unsaid for so long, have echoed inside me, and I am afraid that if I don't let them out, I might break down.
You might want to stop reading here - this (or maybe the ones that follow - depending on what frame of mind I am in :)) is/are going to be random and personal - all in one!!
New chapter in life is a "go". I landed in the U S of A, again, two days ago. All packed to get started with "school". I ditched a couple of clothes to ensure that I could carry all my pairs of shoes with me. Surprised? You really shouldn't be!

My flight was horrible. Amsterdam was fun. My connecting flight was delayed - but that gave me more time to shop in euros for momentos of a place that I hadn't even really visited yet. But the shot glass is so cool. As is the cow egg holder. And the tulips which reminded me of amma so I had to buy!!

I miss SFO. I miss the people I got so used to in SFO. This is the first time I'm saying it out loud. People are tied to places now... and that makes their absence even more prominent. The first time I went to Costco - that's the first place I "sight-see d" when I came in February - I drove A & A mad - We just HAD to walk through every aisle since it was my "first time". We had to walk through every aisle on every trip after that too.
I've lost steam. So yes, first post via the new mac :) Hope you guys are staying good!! More soon, more often.